SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.
SVIA Events
We hold several annual events for all to enjoy, including: caroling at the holiday stroll, an ice cream social, a clean-up day for the borough, and more!
Upcoming Events
Ice Cream Social - July 4th! Find out all the details here.

Stonington Village Improvement Association
Borough Benches & Tables
Relax and Take a Seat
In the fall of 2017, the Stonington Village Improvement Association recognized the need for increased public seating as a service to residents of Stonington Borough and its many visitors. In the spring of 2018, in partnership with Stonington Borough, 15 teak, all-weather, public benches were installed in key locations including at East Lawn at Stonington Point, Wadawanuck Square, Wayland’s Wharf, the Town Dock, Mathews Park, La Grua Park, and Wimpfheimer Park near the Velvet Mill. SVIA friends Bill and Karen Rutherford recently built a beautiful bench around the tree in front of the James Merrill House.
In addition, three picnic tables were built by SVIA volunteers and placed in Mathews Park (2) and Wimpfheimer Park (1).
Dedication to Family and Friends
Eleven of the benches have dedication plaques to honor friends, family, and community members. If you are interested in a bench dedication, please write to us at