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Mathews Park

100-198 Mathews Street

Stonington, CT 06378




Bocce Court

The bocce court in Mathews Park was installed in 2018 and provides visitors to the park, or the community, the opportunity for some leisurely recreational play amidst a beautiful park setting. A box, made by SVIA friend Bill Rutherford, holds the balls and instructions so anyone can play. Bocce is a fun casual group activity, when in the area stop by and enjoy!


About Mathews Park

Mathews Park is located in the Borough at the northernmost point of Water Street, directly across from Dodson's Boatyard behind their main parking lot. The New York, New Haven, & Hartford Railroad Company sold the space for the park to the SVIA for $1.00 in 1947.


It is a hidden jewel, surrounded by 4 foot high hedges. The SVIA maintains the grass, hedges, gardens and picnic tables in the park. Dodson's Boatyard generously maintains the trash receptacles. Residents of the Borough are encouraged to use the park and enjoy its solitude. An ice-cream social is held each July 4th after the town's parade. Free ice cream is offered courtesy of the Dogwatch Cafe.


Guidelines for use of Mathews Park:

Two factors guide our consideration for the use of Mathews Park.

  • Mathews Park was given to the SVIA with a proviso that it be used as a public park.

  • Any use should be consistent with our mission of: "Enriching the quality of life in the village by encouraging and supporting activities that enhance our many cultural and recreational gifts for the benefits of all. 

  • Clubs, associations, non-profits, or individuals wishing to use the park on an exclusive basis for an event for one or two days would be welcome. Normally, one institution can schedule only two events per year. A reservation should be made and a fee paid.

Private commercial entities that want to use the park can be considered provided this would not exceed one event per year for any entity.


Reservations should be made by calling or emailing the head of SVIA Parks and Beaches Committee by e-mail at:


Any application for an exception to these guidelines must be made in writing to the SVIA Board.


Fee Schedule

One day exclusive: $200
Two day exclusive: $500


All trash must be removed by users. Any park furniture moved by the user must be returned to original locations in the park.



Please Consider Making a Donation to SVIA


P.O. Box 18

Stonington, CT 06378

Enriching the quality of life in the village by encouraging and supporting activities that enhance our many cultural and recreational gifts for the benefit of all.

© Copyright 2022, Stonington Village Improvement Association. All Rights Reserved.  

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